Monthly Archives

May 2011

Curtain —–> Skirt = Skirtain!

Before leaving Tucson, I made one last trip to my favorite thrift store to see if they had any fun vintage fabrics.  I found a few including a kitchen window valence for 25 cents. I liked the ruffles, lace and vintage pattern.  It was the perfect length for a toddler skirt, and there was already a perfect spot to sew in some elastic. I had forgotten about it until the…

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Fitness Friday: S-T-R-E-T-C-H

Last year I did 5000 lunges to raise money for a good cause.  Last week, I finished up the last of 4000 lunges from our 300 Club Lunge Challenge.  Through both challenges, there was one big difference.  The level of soreness and pain that I felt this time around was remarkably less than last year.  As much as I enjoyed those first 5000 lunges, many nights my body screamed in…

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Mediterranean Diet – Practical Tips

You have probably heard of the Mediterranean Diet, a way of eating based on the healthy habits of the people living around the Mediterranean Sea.  You may have even tried to adopt bits and pieces of the diet into your own lifestyle such as increasing consumption of seafood or drinking a glass of wine with meals.  But do you know how to get the full benefits of the Mediterranean Diet?…

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Take me out to the ballgame

A couple weeks ago, we finally made it to a Diamondbacks game.  Other than telling you that we had a great time, I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. What’s your favorite baseball park food?    

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Beef & Artichoke Stew

Remember when we steamed our first batch of artichokes last week and restrained ourselves from eating the hearts?  As hard as it was, we saved them for a good cause, a big pot of beef and artichoke stew.   I used organic, grass-fed stew meat, tons of veggies and a splash of good local beer.  The stew was hearty but not too heavy with amazing flavor.  The artichoke hearts were my…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Jumping Lunges

This is it! The final week of our 300 Club Challenge! I saved the best for last.  That’s right, jumping lunges.  Who’s excited?  If you have been with us from the beginning, you have done almost 4,000 lunges.  Can you believe it?  How are those legs feeling? I would love to hear how this challenge has affected you.  Do you notice stronger legs?  Did the lunges help with your running?…

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Coconut Quinoa

Tired of serving plain old rice with your meals?  Why not try quinoa?  Quinoa (pronounced “KEEN-wah”) is an ancient seed that packs a nutritional punch of protein, fiber and potassium.  It cooks up in only 15 minutes, making it a perfect side dish for busy families. Quinoa is perfect in soups, or as a base for a cold salad too.  I actually have a quinoa salad recipe that you will…

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