Thankful Thursdays: Week 35 – Friends, Veggies and Onion Goggles


For books that challenge me to live authentically.

Morning bubbles and bed head.

The first week of the Whole Foods September Challenge, and a husband who is committed to doing it with me (update coming tomorrow).

Saturday mornings at the Gilbert Farmer’s Market.

Reunion with one of my favorite friends.

My 24-hour veggie vending machine.

Onion Goggles. (I’m not allergic to onions but they make me cry like crazy and the fumes also make me so sleepy).

Dinner and water fun with good friends.

Planning our organic garden plot.  So excited!

Boys watching Return of the Jedi in the closet.

Photos and Leila’s artwork in the mail to Chereka.


What are you thankful for this week?

  • Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner September 7, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    How fun! 🙂 I love how the boys watched Return of the Jedi in the closet — I always love me some Star Wars action. 😉

  • Sian Therese September 11, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    The smell of onions makes me so sleepy too… I wonder what it is that does that? I am currently contemplating doing an elimination diet, something I eat makes me bloat like crazy, the CSIRO has one with a handbook that I am looking at. I’ve just found your blog and have enjoyed reading through it. We have such similar interests. I’ll be a dietitian myself in 3 short months, I have a crazy amount of placement left though, I start in a hospital on Monday… so so nervous but crazy excited to be finally interacting with real patients after 4 years at uni!

    • inspiredrd September 12, 2012 at 8:29 am

      Have you looked at doing a low FODMAP elimination diet? I have things that make me bloat like crazy too, but this seems to be helping. Good luck on your rotation!

  • Stephanie September 12, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    Tell us about the movie in the closet set-up. Is that your typical way to enjoy films? Do you also have a TV or do you just watch DVDs on your laptop(s)?

    • inspiredrd September 13, 2012 at 12:45 pm

      This was a special occasion. Joe thought it would be cool to go camping in the closet, so they did this instead. We have a tv (only one and no cable) and sometimes watch movies on the laptop. They had fun!