One simple step to help end slavery

By the end of today, tens of thousands of people will post a photo of a red X on their hand to raise awareness for the End It Movement. It’s easy to dismiss something so simple (psh, what is a red X on your hand going to do to end slavery?), but awareness is no small thing.

“Nothing happens just because we are aware of modern–day slavery, but nothing will EVER happen until we are.”
– Gary Haugen, President and CEO of International Justice Mission

So be aware. Know that there are 27 million slaves in the world today. 27 million men, women and children trapped in slavery around the world today. In brothels. In factories. In mines. On street corners. In homes. In the shadows, hidden. In plain sight.

Use your voice to speak for those who have no voice. Use your platform. I don’t care if you have 10,000 followers on Twitter or 10. It doesn’t matter if you have 900 Facebook friends or 97. Your voice is important, use it for something bigger than yourself. Go to for easy ways to share.

And here is one simple thing you can do today to help – sign this petition urging the UN to protect the poor from violence. You can sign with two clicks by linking with Facebook. It seriously takes 5 seconds. 5 seconds to speak up for millions. That’s something we can all do today.

Don’t get overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. Just do what you can do. Use your voice. Sign the petition.

You are making a difference.