Stop worrying, Start enjoying

After 6 days of homeschooling, I feel like we’re finding our groove. Joe has declared his love for going to school at home, Leila is determined to put in just as much work as Joe, and I’m having more fun than I thought possible.

So why am I anxious?

As well as everything is going, my mind starts to wonder if I’m doing the right thing. I had a wonderful public school experience. What if my kids are missing out by staying home? They aren’t seeing their friends every day. Will they resent me for it? Am I screwing up my kids?

Deep breath.

Could it be that my worries are the same as always, just shifted to new circumstances? Could it be that moms are destined to be anxious about every single decision they make in the lives of their children? 

Thoughts on anxiety and homeschooling |

Maybe you’re not like that. Maybe you make a decision, stick with it, and calmly go about your life. I’ve never met a mom like you, but I’m sure you exist somewhere.

Deep breath.

They’re loving homeschool. I love teaching them. This is going well.

It’s time to stop worrying and start enjoying.

Deep breath.


  • Megan Scott September 23, 2014 at 7:49 am

    Just talk to your father about a day teaching in elementary school and you will know you are doing the right thing. No matter how good the school is, most of the day is wasted- Great job, Alysa! You are stronger than your mother 🙂

  • Nicole M September 25, 2014 at 3:35 am

    I’m glad you are doing what works for you and your children. If they are happy, if you are happy, and they are learning, then that’s all that matters 🙂

  • Nicole @ The Anxiety Solution September 30, 2014 at 2:03 am

    I sure would like to meet a mum that wasn’t doubting themselves, although they would be really abnormal!

  • Peaceful Daily Living October 1, 2014 at 12:45 pm

    […] But you know what? I have never felt more relaxed and at peace than I have the past few weeks (once I got past the anxiety of screwing up my kids). […]