Don’t miss it

When my husband was playing minor league baseball, I dreamed about the day when he would be a big league pitcher and I could start doing meaningful philanthropy work.

We would give lots of money away because we would have millions of dollars. We would have big impact in the community because we would have a huge platform.

I dreamed and schemed and planned for that day when he would have a long-term big league contract.

It was going to be GREAT.

But that day never came. While he did make it to the big leagues for a few glittering moments, we never made millions of dollars or had a huge platform.

And do you know what I missed out on when I was dreaming and scheming and planning about what we could do when we finally “made it?”

I missed out on the people right in front of me. People I could serve right where I was.

I missed out on the opportunity to use my gifts, my talents, and my purpose in that season of life.

As Jo Saxton put it so perfectly at IF:Gathering yesterday, “We can’t live into our purpose because our mindset holds us captive.”

My mindset was this: We make no money, we have no stage, therefore we have nothing to offer.

And if I’m honest with myself, I can fall into the same trap today.

We still don’t have millions of dollars. We still don’t have a huge platform. There are people who have those things and make a huge difference in the world. Who are we to think we can do anything to help anyone?

Yesterday it hit me that my mindset will continue to hold me captive until I believe, truly believe, that God is capable where I am not. My mindset will continue to hold me captive until I accept that God has me in this place in this season for a reason.

And when my mindset holds me captive, I miss it. I miss my purpose. I miss out on the fullness of my gifts. I miss the beauty of what God can do through me if I would just stop looking to that mythical day when we have “made it” and instead look right in front of me. Here. In this moment.

And I don’t want to miss it anymore.

Because if God is real, I need to start living like I believe it.

  • HappyBodyHappyLife Tonya Bonin February 7, 2015 at 5:37 pm

    Alysa this is so beautiful, honest and inspirational. You are such a sweet woman of God and a true blessing to many 🙂

  • Laila February 7, 2015 at 8:14 pm


  • A Lightbulb Celiac Moment February 8, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    […] in Austin over the weekend, I grabbed lunch at a little salad place called Leaf. They make the salads right […]

  • Martha Kate Stratton February 11, 2015 at 8:10 am

    Goodness I needed to read this today friend! I catch myself in this trap all the time with Chris’ career. That I will finally get to make a difference if he makes it to the Bigs when there are so many opportunities in front of me right now. Thank you for your words!