Search results for

wendy powell

MUTU System Then and Now

Diastasis Recti - Interview with MUTU System Founder Wendy Powell

Eight years ago, I set out to find as much information as I could about diastasis recti. How to recognize it, how to heal, and how to get stronger from the inside out. At the time, I owned a Baby Boot Camp franchise, and many of the moms were struggling with postpartum core weakness. I myself had just thrown my back out simply by taking my son out of his…

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My Diastasis Recti Journey

I started researching diastasis recti when my kids were little and my core was incredibly weak. At the time I just wanted to heal so I could get back to what I loved, teaching fitness classes and generally doing whatever kind of workout I wanted to. This was back in 2012, and diastasis recti wasn’t on center stage like it is today. I had to do quite a bit of…

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My Most Shared Posts of 2015

It is always interesting to look back at old blog posts and see what resonated with readers and what didn’t. Sometimes I hit “publish” and think, “Yes! That was brilliant! Everyone is going to love this post!” And then…crickets. Other times I throw a bunch of emotional words at the screen and they take off like wildfire. Here are the top 10 posts that you shared this year: 10. 5…

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How to Safely do Crunches when you have Diastasis Recti

The first time I ever blogged about diastasis recti, I could have sworn to you that I would never do a typical crunch exercise again. With all the work I have put into closing my abdominal gap with the MuTu System, I wasn’t about to muck it all up with crunches. But a funny thing happened when I committed to training my core the right way: I learned how understand…

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Fix Diastasis Recti – 5 Things you can do RIGHT NOW

How can I safely fix diastasis recti with exercise? Can I really close my gap without surgery? What if it’s been years since I had a baby? These are just some of the questions I get on a regular basis from readers about diastasis recti. Wendy Powell from MuTu System, always generous with her time and resources, has answered hundreds of comments from y’all, and is also a frequent contributor…

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The single most dramatic aftermath of neglected childbirth…and how you can help

[Photo by Daniel C. White] When I heard about the work Wendy Powell is doing with Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, I knew you would want to know about it too. When I was in Ethiopia a few years ago, one thing I remember feeling was a longing for pregnant women to have safe childbirths. Because my own pregnancies and childbirths were high-risk and at times downright dangerous, I couldn’t help wondering…

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5 Mom Posture Tips (for your tummy and pelvic floor)

I used to have horrible mom posture. My head entered the room before my body did. My butt was tucked under, and I was almost bent in half most of the time. Bad posture was literally a pain in the neck. And head, and back, and hips… Nothing I tried helped much. I just couldn’t figure out how to train my body to be tall and comfortable. Until Wendy.  I think…

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