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Fitness – Lower Body Exercises

300 Club Lunge of the Week – Pendulum Lunges

Pendulum Lunge We have been doing this challenge for five weeks now.  I want to know how many of you are still with me!  How is it going?  Do you notice a difference in your legs?  How do they look?  How do they feel?  Let’s hear from you! This week takes the reverse lunge from last week and adds in a front lunge.  The entire movement is called a pendulum…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Reverse Lunges

How are you feeling after those curtsy lunges last week?  I don’t know about you, but they made me feel pretty fancy.  After 300 curtsies, I was ready to head to a royal ball! This week we will be doing a reverse lunge.  The reverse lunge is my favorite for doing a high number of lunges in a short amount of time.  You can really pick up the tempo if…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Curtsy Lunge

Last week, your challenge was to perform 300 side lunges.  How did you do?  Side lunges make you sore in new places, don’t they?  This week, I want you to add a curtsy lunge to your side lunge.  Watch the above video to get the proper form.  Make sure, as always, that you are keeping your knee over your foot in proper alignment.  For more of a challenge, add in…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Side Lunges

Howdy lungers!  How are those legs feeling?  Getting stronger?  I hope you are enjoying this challenge as much as I am.  New people are joining the challenge every day.  Make sure to keep spreading the word!  If you are new this week, watch the video from the first post on proper lunging technique. This week’s lunge is a little more advanced.  The side lunge is one of my favorites because…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Walking Lunges

Congratulations 300 Club!  You have completed the first week of lunging.  How did it go?  Hopefully your soreness will be easing up as you get into the groove.  Last week, we started with the basic lunge.  This week, I want to challenge you with the walking lunge.  It’s just like the basic lunge except that you take a step forward each time.  Make sure that your knee does not go…

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Friday Fitness Challenge – Join the 300 Club!

At the beginning of this year, I told you that I wanted to challenge you.  So far, I have thrown three challenges your way: the Hated Veggie Challenge, the New Veggie Adventure Challenge and the Meatless Monday Challenge.  Because those all center around food and nutrition, I wanted to throw a fitness challenge into the mix.  Enter the 300 Club Lunge Challenge. As you may recall, last fall I completed…

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Foam Roller: Piriformis

Sit on foam roller with it positioned under your right glute. Cross your right leg over your left and lean into the muscle. Roll back and forth in small movements while shifting your body slightly to roll all of the muscle. If you find a spot that is particularly painful, hold for 30 seconds before continuing. Repeat on opposite leg.

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