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Fitness – Lower Body Exercises

300 Club Lunge of the Week – Jumping Lunges

This is it! The final week of our 300 Club Challenge! I saved the best for last.  That’s right, jumping lunges.  Who’s excited?  If you have been with us from the beginning, you have done almost 4,000 lunges.  Can you believe it?  How are those legs feeling? I would love to hear how this challenge has affected you.  Do you notice stronger legs?  Did the lunges help with your running?…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Diagonal Lunge

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day!  I can’t wait to share my special morning with you tomorrow.  For now, let’s focus on the lunge of the week!  This week we are challenging our balance yet again with a diagonal lunge.  Make sure to watch the video below to learn proper form.  Only 2 weeks to go until the end of our challenge! I want to give a huge…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Reverse Walking Lunges

Happy May Day!  We are heading into the home stretch of our challenge.  If you have been with us from the beginning, you have completed 3000 lunges and have 900 to go.  If that’s you, please let me know in the comment section.  I would love to give you a virtual pat on the back!! I hope everyone enjoyed last week’s “back to basics” lunges.  I added some weights to…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Back to Basics

This week is all about getting back to basics.  Let’s rest our knees a bit from the dynamic movements we have been working on and go back to the basic lunge.  If you are new to the 300 Club, this is a perfect place to start.  If you have been with us from the beginning, you can increase the challenge of this simple lunge by adding weights or slowing down…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Walking Lunge with a Twist

Hi friends! How are those legs feeling? Strong I hope!  If you have been with this challenge since the beginning, then you have completed 2400 lunges so far.  For those of you who just joined us, welcome!  I am so excited that you have taken on this fitness challenge. This week’s lunge is a walking lunge with a twist.  This will continue to challenge our balance, and it add in…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Lunge to Balance (and hip flexor stretch)

If you have been lunging with us for any amount of time, especially this past week with our Bulgarian split squats, I imagine that your hip flexors are tight and sore. I want to remind you to stretch your legs after lunging and on your off days. I don’t want anyone getting hurt! Watch the video below on how to properly stretch your hip flexors. Make sure to hold the…

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300 Club Lunge of the Week – Bulgarian Split Squat

Hey lungers! This week’s lunge is actually called a Bulgarian split squat. You will need a bench or chair to do these. Make sure to watch the video for proper form. If you have been with us from the beginning and 300 lunges a week is starting to get easy for you, you can always increase the intensity by adding hand weights or slowing down your tempo. Make sure you…

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