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diastasis recti

How to Safely do Crunches when you have Diastasis Recti

The first time I ever blogged about diastasis recti, I could have sworn to you that I would never do a typical crunch exercise again. With all the work I have put into closing my abdominal gap with the MuTu System, I wasn’t about to muck it all up with crunches. But a funny thing happened when I committed to training my core the right way: I learned how understand…

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Fix Diastasis Recti – 5 Things you can do RIGHT NOW

How can I safely fix diastasis recti with exercise? Can I really close my gap without surgery? What if it’s been years since I had a baby? These are just some of the questions I get on a regular basis from readers about diastasis recti. Wendy Powell from MuTu System, always generous with her time and resources, has answered hundreds of comments from y’all, and is also a frequent contributor…

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A diastasis update

My posts about diastasis (especially the first one) continue to get crazy traffic everyday because moms everywhere are asking “What is wrong with my tummy, and how do I fix it?” As the traffic rolls in, so do the questions. Most recently everyone has been asking the biggest questions of all: “So did the MuTu System work? Are you healed?” I am ecstatic to tell you that my diastasis has…

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Eat well to heal your diastasis recti – How good nutrition can help your body to close ‘The Gap’

It’s the first of the month, so Wendy Powell is back!  This time she is sharing nutrition tips that can help us close the gap of diastasis recti.   Healthy, real food has a powerful, positive effect on your body and your mind. Good nutrition blasts fat, reveals muscle. It makes hair shine, skin glow and joints feel supple. It creates energy, lifts spirits and keeps your mood even. A…

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5 Exercises to Heal Diastasis Recti

What exercises will really work to fix a Diastasis Recti gap? As promised I am giving you 5 of my very favorite exercises for healing, reconnecting and restoring your core. As I explained in my last post, Diastasis Recti is a symptom of excessive pressure inside the abdomen and pelvis. If you can reverse and minimize this pressure, the outward symptoms (diastasis, hernia, or even mild pelvic organ prolapse) can…

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2 Diastasis Recti Fixes that WON’T Work – and What Will!

Two Diastasis Recti Fixes that WON’T work – and What Will! It’s October 1st, which means it’s time for Inspired RD contributor Wendy Powell to talk fitness.  Today she’s teaching us more about diastasis recti.  Take it away, Wendy! First I just want to say Hi and thank you so much to Alysa for asking me to contribute here, I’m excited to get to know you! Let’s Start with two…

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How to test for Diastasis Recti

I can’t even express how thrilled I am that I finally found a diastasis rehab program that works! My gap is getting smaller and my core is getting stronger. So exciting!  I’ve only been trying to figure out how to fix my mommy tummy for six years…since Joe was just a tiny little guy.  (Side note: My baby isn’t a baby anymore. Sniff.) There are two questions popping up almost…

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