5 Tips for Hosting a Guest with Dietary Restrictions

5 Tips for Hosting a Guest with Dietary Restrictions

Six years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes damage to the small intestine when you ingest gluten. Even the tiniest amount of gluten, a mere crumb, can make me sick for weeks.

Not surprisingly, since my diagnosis, I haven’t been invited to many dinner parties. It’s just too hard to figure out how to safely feed someone like me.

But here’s the thing I want you to know, being invited into your home for a meal is about much more than food.

The whole point is being together, getting to know each other better, and gathering around the table.

I may not eat your food, but will you please still invite me over for dinner?

5 Tips for Hosting a Guest with Dietary Restrictions

Chances are you know someone with some kind of dietary restriction and are wondering how to host them for a meal.

Here are some tips to get you started:

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5 Tips for Hosting a Guest with Dietary Restrictions