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The Balance Project

Last year, Susie Schnall, author of The Balance Project and On Grace interviewed me about that mythical unicorn of “doing it all” that we seem to be obsessed with. The interview is finally up, and I would love to have you go check it out here. Because really, I don’t do it all. I don’t have it all. And balance? Let’s just say I haven’t found it yet.

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Thoughts on being enough

Lately there seems to be a common theme among women my age.  The idea that social media has taken what once was enough and turned it into a guilt-filled rat race that we can never win. As my friends and I sit in living rooms with mugs of coffee hashing out what it means to be “enough” in today’s world, I noticed many bloggers writing out of the same emotionally-charged place. My own…

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Follow me…or don’t.

I realized something icky about myself the other day. Far too often I measure my self-worth by a number on a screen. It hit me that no matter how many followers I have, no matter how much traffic my blog gets, no matter what circles I nudge my way into, I will never feel like I’ve “made it.” If I measure my worth by likes, follows, and pageviews, I will…

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3 ways to add quiet to your day

Quiet. It’s my word of the year. I chose quiet because I am so horribly awful at it. A creative multi-tasking worrier at heart, sitting still with a quiet mind is difficult for me. But in the journey towards simplifying my life, I found quiet to be exactly what my heart and soul are craving. Because it doesn’t come naturally to me, I have to intentionally find ways to add…

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When your plate fills up, it’s time to simplify

Last year I wrote about life getting crazy and the urge to clean off my plate. Maybe it’s a November thing, but I feel the need to do it again. I try to be as intentional as I can about my time and commitments. I do my best to say no to good things so I can have the freedom to say yes to great things. And I’m getting ready…

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Tiny glimpses of Heaven

Sometimes I’ll be going about my day, just my normal everyday activities of teaching, writing, cleaning, cooking, when all at once my breath catches and I see Heaven shining down on my kitchen. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening, but all of a sudden it’s like someone flushed out my eyeballs because I can so clearly see a moment I want to remember. Last night it was Leila twirling in her favorite…

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Finding life in the margins

You know when I feel the most run down? The most anxious? The most stuck? When my life has no margins. To have margins means to be thoughtful in scheduling. Not living a life so busy that everything is back-to-back-to-back-to-back. To have margins means making time for breathers throughout the day, or if it is a non-negotiable busy season, making time for breathers throughout the week and month. Making time for…

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