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new year

More and Less

As I ponder a few goals for this year and try to decide on my One Word, I started working on a “More and Less” list. Things I want to do more of and things I want to let go of a little. It seems like a non-threatening way to tiptoe my way into 2016. Here’s what I have so far… – More tea, less wine. – More grace, less…

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Goals > Resolutions

I’ve never been much for New Year’s Resolutions. Mostly because they are usually about trying to stop doing something. And when I tell myself to stop doing something, I just want to do that thing. A lot. All the time. It’s all I can think about. So a few years ago, I started setting New Year’s Goals instead. Unlike a resolution, a goal is something positive to work towards. So with my new…

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My one word for 2014 was Quiet. Over the past year, I have learned how to exhale, sit with a cup of tea, and just be for a moment. Quiet was exactly what I needed. This year, what I need more than anything is grace. I’m tired of beating myself up at the end of the day over mommy-guilt. I’m weary of negative self-talk. I can’t spend another minute second-guessing every decision…

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