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The single most dramatic aftermath of neglected childbirth…and how you can help

[Photo by Daniel C. White] When I heard about the work Wendy Powell is doing with Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, I knew you would want to know about it too. When I was in Ethiopia a few years ago, one thing I remember feeling was a longing for pregnant women to have safe childbirths. Because my own pregnancies and childbirths were high-risk and at times downright dangerous, I couldn’t help wondering…

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How Better Alignment Helps Fix Diastasis Recti

Raise your hand if your body is in perfect alignment.  …Yeah, me neither.  Wendy Powell of MuTu System is here to tell us why proper alignment is important and how to get there. If you’ve ever compared your body in pre-pregnancy pictures to post-baby shots of you looking rounder, softer and ‘still pregnant’, the thought may have crossed your mind that pregnancy wrecked your body. You’d kinda love to have…

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