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Diastasis Recti Modifications for 21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Diastasis Recti Modifications

  Did you know 1 in 3 moms has diastasis recti? This separation of the abdominal muscles can cause pain, weakness, and put you at a much higher risk of injury when exercising. If you are doing the 21 Day Fix, make sure to check to see if you have diastasis recti before you begin. Click here to find out how to check yourself for diastasis recti. If you do…

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Fix Diastasis Recti – 5 Things you can do RIGHT NOW

How can I safely fix diastasis recti with exercise? Can I really close my gap without surgery? What if it’s been years since I had a baby? These are just some of the questions I get on a regular basis from readers about diastasis recti. Wendy Powell from MuTu System, always generous with her time and resources, has answered hundreds of comments from y’all, and is also a frequent contributor…

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5 Ways to Fix Mom Posture

I’m not sure when it all started, but somewhere between the years of hunching over a breastfeeding baby, carrying a toddler around in my arms, and tapping away at a keyboard, I developed what I like to call “Mom Posture.” My children were literally becoming a pain in the neck. Although it was painful, I didn’t realize how bad it had become until my husband and I were trying to…

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Just do something.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back into an exercise routine.  What should it look like?  What kind of workouts should I start with?  Should I unfreeze my gym membership, and how often should I go?  Should I workout in the morning or afternoon?  Should I train for a race?  How should I start? Gah. Too many questions. Then I realized the answer is a simple one.…

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How to get a better workout in less time

This post is the sixth in BlogHer’s Inspiration to Fitness series. To start from week one, click here. I can’t believe this is the second to last week of our Inspiration to Fitness challenge! I hope that by now you are feeling stronger, healthier and have more energy throughout your day. I hope you are also learning that a great workout doesn’t have to take all day! One of the…

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At Home Full Body Circuit Workout

This at home full body circuit workout is a quick, 20-minute circuit that you can do with very little equipment in your own home. Sneak this in when you get home from work or when the kids are down for a nap. I promise, you will feel better if you fit exercise into your day! This circuit works the best with a set of stairs, but if you don’t have…

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