Daily Archives

March 1, 2010

Prone Iso Abs

On hands and knees, without straining your neck (I should probably be looking down in this photo), pull your bellybutton up towards your spine.  Hold and release.  Repeat 15 times.

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Dynamic Arm Swings

Standing with feet together, bring arms in front of your body and cross one over the other.  Swing them open then quickly back in front of your body.  Make big moves and complete 15 repetitions as a warm-up.

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Single Leg Reach

Stand on your left foot with your knee slightly bent. Bending at the hips, extend your right leg back behind you and your right arm towards the ground in front of you. Touch the ground with the fingers on your right hand and come back up to balance on your left leg. Do all repetitions on one side before switching legs.

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Tricep Dips

From a sitting position, place arms behind you with finger pointing forwards. Walk feet forward until your legs are extended as above. Lower body down towards the ground, then push up through your palms, squeezing your triceps. Repeat.

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Step left foot out in front of you and lower your body toward the ground to form a right angle as shown above. Your right knee should come within about an inch from the ground. Make sure to keep head and shoulders upright. Pause for one second, then push up to starting position and repeat. Do all reps on one side before switching legs.

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Push Up with Progression

This photo shows a push up progression from easiest to hardest. Choose the position in which you can do at least 8 push ups, but it is difficult to do 12. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

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