This week, I asked Jessica from The Planner and The Procrastinator to take a photo of the Bountiful Basket haul since our family was out of town. Looks like they got a huge haul!
For the moms who read my blog for healthy meal ideas and fitness motivation, I want to let you know that Jessica is a mom who makes me very proud. I met her when I was the owner/instructor of Baby Boot Camp Tucson. She started coming to classes right after having her second baby. Through Baby Boot Camp classes and the Nutrition Solutions class, Jessica has dropped 45 pounds and turned into a buff mama who can outlast me in a plank contest any day of the week.
So head on over to her blog to check out this week’s Bountiful Basket along with storage tips and her meal plan for the week.

Oh, and if you have any idea what to do with a persimmon, please share!
Hi Alysa. I'm not a mom but my wife lets me cook sometimes… I'll take on a meal 2 or 3 times a week. We're into getting back to basics (without having to ride a horse to work). It looks like you have some interesting stuff here. I'm off to poke around some. Thanks for what you do.
Oh all that fresh produce looks wonderful!
Thank you for posting all of that Megan!
Yum Alisa, thanks.
Thank you for stopping by Allan, I hope you like what you find. Where were you that you had to ride a horse to work?
Make persimmon pudding! My Great Aunt Sena used to make this every Thanksgiving. It is especially delicious topped with fresh whipped cream. I'll be posting her recipe (the original version and a gluten free version) to my blog within the week. I'm just waiting for my persimmons to ripen!
SO, I was already a part of a long corespondence about Persimmons this weekend…so I thought I would just cut and paste it all in here for ya. Scroll down to the bottom for a really wonderful sounding autumn salad idea!
Peggy Hazard – Help! Got a boatload of persimmons in my bountiful basket today. I've never even eaten one before. Who has a good recipe?
Thomas E. Buchanan- Haven't made this, but it sounds like you can't go wrong. Make a simiilar date-nut bread, and loaf pans work fine:,1650,157172-231193,00.html
Abbey J. Pierson- meg made some persimmon bread a while back. they're good to eat, but i dont' think ours are ripe yet
Marti White- I did some research — since I cannot use gluten in my kitchen, baking is a bit dicey, but I found a gluten free persimmon pecan cake — looks moist and dense. What I also found out is that for baking a different variety of fruit is better than the one we got which is best eaten like an apple — they didn't tell me when they were ripe though.I'm wondering if I can use a gluten free flour mix for Thomas's recipe which looks good.
David Cole- like an apple . . . in a salad . . . watch out for them seeds, which some Jewish scholars say are equal to the many names of J*H*OV*H
Peggy Hazard- Tom, this sounds good…will see what recipe my daughter used as well…this could be nice to have on hand for the holidays…or to gift.
Nancy Matayosian Brock- What's a persimmion? I just threw myself under the bus with that question!
Megan Thompson- Marti may be right…I think your kind are the apple eating kind (not baking kind)…you eat them when slightly crunchy…if they are the other kind (for baking) you wait till they are SOOOO mushy you are sure they must be rotten (can speed… this process in the freezer). I used the James Beard's recipe for persimons bread…I will find you the link.
Read this first though for info on determining your type (fuyu vs. hachiya)- and instruction on ripeness etc.
Abbey J. Pierson- we got the eating kind. though i still think they're not quite ripe. mine are hanging out with some green bananas
Peggy Hazard- I found two recipes for persimmon (the kind we have) salad with pomegranate seeds (which we also received).
Monica Surfaro Spigelman- Persimmons are always on an Italian family holiday dessert table. Eat em plain, with nuts, cheese and wine if needed. Grew up with those lovely mushy sweet fruit.
Megan Thompson- Here is the recipe I used for my bread (for future reference ONLY since you guys got the OTHER kind of persimmons):
This is some info (from the web page I have linked above) from David Lobovitz about the kind of persimmons YOU ALL GOT in your Boutiful Basket:
“the other common persimmon is the Fuyu, which is more squat than the Hachiya and matte-orange. Unlike the Hachiya, the Fuyu is meant to be eaten hard and is delightfully crunchy. I peel them, then mix pieces into an autumnal fruit salad along with dates, slices of Comice pears, pomegranate seeds and yes…even some bits of prunes!”
I think THAT salad sound amazing! Wishing I had been able to get a basket last week! Good luck everyone!
Persimmon sauce is what I came up with. ( I'm going to use it in crepes tomorrow night. I hope the crepes will mellow out the strong fruity flavor! In the sauce, you add nutmeg, lemon juice, and cinnamon. That improved the taste a lot for me.