Sunday morning, we decided to take advantage of our beautiful winter weather and go on a little walk. Between our subdivision and the one below us is a large wash. We love going down there to run, walk, explore, whatever. Sunday, we took the kids and Hobbs down to the wash for some playtime. Hobbs romped and swam, the kids ran and threw rocks, Jeff and I laughed and lunged (more about the lunging below). It was a fun outing that put all of us in a cheery mood for the rest of the day.
I am nearing the deadline to my lunge-a-thon. Today I completed 320 lunges (Jeff did 140 with me). For a current lunge count click here.
As I near the end, I hope that you will consider giving to this important cause. The inspiration behind Lunging for a Cure is fighting to kick his cancer, and the research center that these donations go to is doing all that they can to find a cure for him and other Multiple Myeloma patients.
To donate, click here.
You can also help by shopping in our Cancer Kicker Etsy shop where 100% of the proceeds go to University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. If you have a blog, please consider grabbing the Crafting to Kick Cancer button to spread the word.

Thank you for all of your cheering and support! And a huge thank you to the Etsy crafters who have generously donated such beautiful items for the cause. If you are an artist who would like to donate, email me at lungingforacure{@}
Aww I love that you are doing this lunge challenge!! My mom passed away from MM so I know what it's all about. But that was a long time ago! MUCH more manageable now, I have so much hope for people who are fighting it! Really inspiring. And I'm sure your legs are lookin great! 😉 x
Thank you! I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope my lunging makes a difference.
That wash is fun, isn't it? And the weather is PERFECT for hiking!
P.S. You look so cute in your baseball cap!
[email protected]