
A lesson with Ashbstarr Photography


Meet my friend Ashley.
Ashley of Ashbstarr PhotographyAshley and I have been friends since our husbands played baseball together in 2006.  Through the many moves and transitions that baseball life brings, Ashley has been one of my constants.  Always there with a smile and a big hug when we are in the same city at the same time.  Always there with an encouraging text, tweet, or Facebook post when we’re apart.  When we’re not talking about life and kids, we are talking about food.  We chat recipes, send food photos back and forth on our phones, and sometimes even get to share a meal together.  I am so thankful for her friendship.

A few year back, Ashley took up photography.  She was a natural right out of the gate, and has blessed us with some beautiful family photos, including my all-time favorite-
She also took all of my profile pics that you see around the web.

Last weekend, Ashley took me on a mentor session to give me some tips on how to take good family photos.  She has a great eye, and really opened my eyes to finding good locations and the best light.  I also observed the way she cued our family into different positions.  I got to practice on her beautiful family.  Here are a few of the shots that I took (I also took the pic of Ashley at the top of the post)-

That last one is my favorite because of the light and the natural pose.  I also took a couple shots of my kiddos-

Ashley was kind enough to take a few photos of our family while we were there-I have so much left to learn, but the mentoring session was a great start.  It sounds like last weekend has inspired Ashley to set up some small photography lessons and field trips, so stay tuned if you live in the area!  If you want to check out more of Ashley’s photography, go to her blog Ashbstarr Photography and her Facebook page.

  • Kati @ Around the Plate December 13, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    How fun! Your pictures look gorgeous – so does your family! How lucky you are to have such a talented friend. Wish she or you lived close by so we could get some new family photos up in here. 😉

  • Lauren December 13, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    Love it! Gorgeous shots. Where are the camera straps from that you both have? They are so pretty!

  • Janel December 13, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    Your pictures look great! Its amazing what good lighting can do.

  • HealthCastleGlo December 13, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    The pictures you took are gorgeous!

  • Stephanie December 14, 2011 at 10:08 pm

    I totally love Ashley’s baggy v-neck – so fashionable + flattering.

    Also – good job w/ the photos!

    • inspiredrd December 15, 2011 at 2:12 pm

      She always dresses so cute! Thanks for the compliment on the photos 🙂

  • Becca - Our Crazy Boys December 17, 2011 at 8:30 am

    Your pictures are amazing, Alysa!!

    And you both look great – maybe I should marry a ball player… it seems all the wives are beautiful!