Backpacks and Fanny Packs

As my friend Emily would say, 3 more sleeps until Africa!  It’s pretty hard for me to think of anything else at this point.  I’ve packed my suitcase, am getting my backpack ready, and today I scored a sweet fanny pack at Goodwill.  Yep, a real live fanny pack.  I want to be able to have a few things with me during the day, including gluten-free snacks and a water bottle.  But the last thing I want to do is carry a bag over my shoulders all day.

At least it’s a sporty fanny pack and not one of those black pleather ones from back in the day.  I did see one of those at Goodwill if you want me to go back and grab it for you.

I’m rethinking my clothes a little bit because of the weather forecast.  Compared to Phoenix, Ethiopia will be chilly and wet.  I wasn’t planning on bringing jeans or heavy shoes, but now I’m thinking that my Toms might not be able to handle the mud if it’s too wet.

I’m sure I will be constantly packing and re-packing until it’s time to leave at dark-thirty Monday morning.  If you are a world traveler and have any packing tips, let me know!



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<a href=”″><img src=”×250.jpg” alt=”fhbloggers-Ethiopia” width=”300″ height=”250″></a>


  • teri@managedmacros July 6, 2012 at 4:04 pm

    You are an amazing advocate. Great luck on your journey…you will rock that fanny pack!

  • Jessie G July 6, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    You, of all people, will totally rock the fanny pack. Also, leave Tom(s) at home, he will not be too helpful. And finally, early-thirty stinks. No matter how excited you are for the trip.
    Have a great time! Will be praying for you.
    After I wake up, of course.