Monthly Archives

July 2012

And we’re off…

When people consider sponsoring a child through any organization, one of their first questions is usually, “How do I know where the money goes?” or “How do I know that my money is being used wisely?” You’ve likely asked those questions yourself.  Well, this morning I am getting on the first of three airplanes that will take me and an entire team over to Ethiopia to answer those questions and…

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Since you asked…

Some of you asked for proof of #6 in my “33 Things About Me” post. Well, here it is.  Me and 63 empty noodle bowls. The look on my face says it all…

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Backpacks and Fanny Packs

As my friend Emily would say, 3 more sleeps until Africa!  It’s pretty hard for me to think of anything else at this point.  I’ve packed my suitcase, am getting my backpack ready, and today I scored a sweet fanny pack at Goodwill.  Yep, a real live fanny pack.  I want to be able to have a few things with me during the day, including gluten-free snacks and a water…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 27 – A List

As I started to think about what I wanted to write about this Thursday, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of things I had to choose from.  So many things to be thankful for that I couldn’t narrow them down to just one.  Instead, I’m going to make another list.  In no particular order, I am thankful for these things: 1. T-minus 4 days until Ethiopia. 2. The fact…

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Packing for Ethiopia

We’re less than a week away from the big trip, which means that I am spending almost every waking minute thinking about what I need to do to get ready.  Last night I took my first malaria pill.  I’ll take one every week for 7 weeks.  I’ve taken these once before, and I remembered that they can give you some pretty vivid dreams.  Last night was no exception.  I didn’t…

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33 Things About Me

I had an interesting conversation with my friend Angel the other day about social media.  As fun as it is to interact with people from all over the world through blogs, Instagram, Facebook, etc., we have to be careful not to get sucked into comparing ourselves to everyone’s highlight reels.  I know I’ve mentioned it on here a few times before, but it bears repeating that I’m am not perfect,…

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