Monthly Archives

August 2012

Peanut Butter Banana Split Sandwich Recipe

Hi!  My name is Joe, and today my sister Leila and I are going to teach you how to make our very favorite sandwich.  We love going to eat at a place called Joe’s Farm Grill because they have something called a Peanut Butter Banana Split sandwich.  We eat lunch at home almost every day, so one day I asked my mom if we could make a Joe’s Farm Grill…

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Why you should care about GMO labeling

Working in social media, I chat with all kinds of people, many of them nutrition nerds like myself.  GMO labeling is a very hot topic right now with the upcoming election.  All of this talk makes me think that everyone knows about this issue, but then I mention it to my friends in real life and they come back with, “GMO what?”  Now I realize that I haven’t done a…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 31

This week I’m thankful for… sleepy dogs, mommy makeovers, people living out their faith, cheering for Ethiopia, perspective, Saturday brunch, Toms that now hold memories (and fish guts), a thoughtful gift from a friend, air time, and cotton candy sunsets.   What are you thankful for?    

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Gluten-Free Apple Crisp Two Ways

Which do you like better?  Blueberry? Or strawberry? Blueberry? Or strawberry? Can’t make up your mind?  I couldn’t either.  That’s why I made two gluten-free crisps on Sunday.  Don’t worry, I made them to share, and you can too.  Grab a bag of green apples, a pint of blueberries and a box of strawberries.  The rest of the ingredients should already be in your cabinet from making the original raspberry-apple…

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Applegate Giveaway!

I get hundreds of emails every day. From PR pitches to product review requests to paid campaign pitches. 99% of the time I say thanks, but no thanks. I do this for a few reasons: 1. If the product isn’t gluten-free, I can’t test it. 2. I have no desire to post photos of Lauren Conrad drinking coconut water on my blog. 3. Most importantly, I would never want to…

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Sweet & Savory Breakfast Waffle

Do you like sweet or savory foods for breakfast?  How about both? Head over to Van’s Natural Foods Blog to read about how I’m attempting (and so far failing) at being as good as my dad in the kitchen when it comes to cooking breakfast before school.  I definitely have some work to do in that department… There is also a recipe for this amazingly delicious (and quick) sweet &…

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