Thankfulness Lately

Since moving back from Montana, it has been easy to grumble about the heat, the lack of fall color, the heat, the scorpions, and the heat.

When I find myself grumbling a bit too much, I pause, collect my thoughts, and give thanks for all the good stuff. Gratitude softens my heart as we sit in our air-conditioned house and paint fall colors for the windows.

Gratitude changes everything.

Thankfulness |

I’m thankful for the one member of our family who can calm us all down,

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for first day jitters, and bravery to get through them,

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for fall colors inside the house when there are none to be found outside,

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for the library, good books, and coffee in my favorite mug,

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for the local coffee shop and almond milk lattes,

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for my not-so-little girl and twilight scooter rides,

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for helping hands in the kitchen, and nourishing energy bites for our school days.


What are you thankful for lately?

  • Robin September 26, 2014 at 10:50 am

    My family and our health