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Curtain —–> Skirt = Skirtain!

Before leaving Tucson, I made one last trip to my favorite thrift store to see if they had any fun vintage fabrics.  I found a few including a kitchen window valence for 25 cents. I liked the ruffles, lace and vintage pattern.  It was the perfect length for a toddler skirt, and there was already a perfect spot to sew in some elastic. I had forgotten about it until the…

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Feeling Crafty – Tie Shirts for All!

Before I had kids, crafting was easier for me.  I had an entire room devoted to it.  I could leave projects sitting out and no one would bother them.  I could keep sharp objects within easy reach.  After having Joe, I still had room and time to be creative.  I started an Etsy shop, fell in love with vintage fabrics and constantly explored new projects.  Then came Leila.  I couldn’t…

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Crafting with Kids

This is a guest post by BeccasCrazyBoys.  Read more about Becca and her crazy boys at  I have a crafter in my house. He (yes, he) is six and he loves anything that involves glue, glitter, or markers. Because of Jack, I have learned a few things about crafty kids. 1. Crafts can be expensive (but they don’t need to be). 2. Crafts can be time consuming (but they don’t…

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Simple Christmas Wall Display

Because of Jeff’s new job, we have been meeting with realtors as we attempt to figure out our housing situation.  One of their suggestions was to “de-personalize” our house by removing family photos.  Our favorite photos were arranged on the biggest wall in the living room.  I didn’t want to take them down and have a giant blank wall staring at us.  So I decided to make a cheery Christmas…

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Quick Christmas Centerpiece

A few years ago, I bought two boxes of vintage ornaments from an antique store in Tombstone, Arizona.  I love the shapes, colors and detail of them.  However, they seem to get lost among all of the other ornaments on our big tree, so I wanted a way to give them a special place of their own.  I decided to put them on a silver Armetale platter with some tiny…

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