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Fitness – Lower Body Exercises

Mountain Climbers

Get into a push up position with hands below shoulders and feet extended out. Tighten abs and bring shoulders down and back. Bring left foot up towards hips, then jump to switch legs. Continue jumping and switching legs while keeping spine and core stabilized.

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Side Lunge

Standing with feet hip-width apart, step out to the side with your right foot. Keep left leg straight and bend into a lunge in the right leg. Push through the right foot and back into a standing position. Make sure left leg stays straight and right knee doesn’t extend past toes. Complete all repetitions on the right before switching to the left leg.

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Lunge to Balance

From a standing position with feet hip-width apart, step forward into a lunge. Keeping core tight and hands on hips, lower until back knee is an inch or two off the ground. Make sure front leg is at a 90 degree angle and the front knee doesn’t extend past the toes. Push back up to a standing position, keeping the front leg in the air, balancing on the back leg.…

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Plie Jump

From a standing position, position your legs wider than hip-width apart with toes pointed out. Engage abdominal muscles as you lower into a plie position and hold. Drive up through your heels, jumping into the air, then land softly onto the balls of your feet and repeat.

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Single Leg Hop with Stabilization

From a standing position, raise left foot slightly off the ground and balance on your right foot. Pull your bellybutton tight to your spine and take a small hop forward. Stabilize your body, then take another small hop. Repeat for 15 repetitions then switch to the right foot.

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Foam Roller: Calves

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you.  Place the foam roller under your right calf.  Cross your left leg over your right ankle.  Use your hands behind you for support and raise your body off the ground. Roll forward and back on your calf muscle.  Repeat on opposite leg.

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Standing Calf Stretch

Stand facing a wall with right foot close to the wall and left leg staggered behind you.  Place hands on the wall and push back into your left leg, feeling the stretch in your calf muscle.  Hold for 30-60 seconds without bouncing, keeping left leg straight.  Repeat on opposite leg.

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