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Celiac Disease

Whole 30 and Homeschool

Today we start a new Whole 30 challenge which requires lots of planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and organizing. Oh, and we start homeschool too. We are nothing short of overachievers around here. (Send help.) I’ll be doing the modified low-FODMAP plan, and I guess that means Jeff will be too since I’m the one who does most of the cooking around here. While I don’t know if the Whole 30…

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Gluten-Free in Missoula

We are finishing up our three month stay in Missoula, Montana this week. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how sad I am to leave this beautiful place. The weather, the people, the active lifestyle, and of course the gorgeous scenery has won us over big time. In case you’re ever in the area, I wanted to share some of my favorite spots for gluten-free food. This isn’t an…

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3 Things I’m Loving Right Now

I love sharing products that make me go “WOW!” so I thought I would start putting them into quick posts three at a time. I was inspired by the lovely Amy Allen Clark of and her “It’s the 3 Little Things” posts. If you’ve never visited her blog before, you should. She posts beautiful gluten-free recipes, book reviews, and tons of great ideas for home, finances, parenting, and more.…

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“My life with Inspired RD,” a guest post by my husband

Because May is Celiac Awareness Month, I asked my husband to write a guest post about his experience so far with celiac disease. I am incredibly thankful for his love and never-ending support. Not only does he take care of me when I’m feeling like crap, but he also makes sure that the kids don’t kiss me after eating gluten and that others know just how serious my gluten-free diet is.…

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Why do we keep our home gluten free? (Why wouldn’t you?)

To say I have supportive parents would be an understatement. The older I get, the more thanks I give for the love, loyalty, and encouragement they show me every day. For Celiac Awareness Month, I asked them to write a guest post about how they keep a gluten-free kitchen, not for their sake, but for mine. I hope this is something you can show your family if you are struggling…

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My Celiac Story (so far…)

Last month I had the honor of speaking at the Arizona East Valley Celiac Support Group meeting. They have had healthcare professionals come in and speak on nutrition and celiac disease in the past, but I was there for another reason. I was there to share my celiac story. Since May is Celiac Awareness Month, I thought I would share my story with you too. Because I’ve found out something…

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Nourish Bowls

I drool every time I see McKel of Nutrition Stripped post a photo of her daily Nourish Bowl, so this week I finally made one of my own. I ate one last night for dinner, then I had the one pictured for lunch. I may eat this every day for the rest of my life. What I love about the Nourish Bowl concept is that it takes very little prep…

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