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Photography Lately

I dusted off the ol’ photography blog this week and added two new posts for you to check out. The first is my mother-in-law’s adorable wedding out in California, and the second is my shoot with the Mansfield Lady Tigers. You can see it all at Or click on one of the photos below. If you know anyone looking for a photographer in the Arlington, Texas area, let them…

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I used to know it all, but now…

I used to think I knew it all. But now I know few things for sure. I used to believe faith was about facts. But now mystery is essential to my beliefs. I used to think tradition was musty and irrelevant. But now I find beauty in liturgy and rootedness in ancient prayers. I used to think bigger was better. But now I crave only humility and space for doubt.…

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Thankfulness Lately

I knew moving would be hard. But this week took everything out of me. Saying goodbye to friends, driving across the country (Texas, why are you so HUGE?), unpacking unpacking unpacking, sleeping in a new house with new sounds… It just about killed me. But here we are, and the yard is huge, and the neighbors are friendly, and the weather is perfect. And even in the midst of crazy,…

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Creating for the sake of Creating

This summer I listened to Liz Gilbert’s new podcast Magic Lessons. One week she would talk to a “normal person” and help them through a creative road block. The next week, she would talk to a famous writer/musician/etc. to gain even more insight for that person’s problem. Each week gave me an “A-Ha!” moment, but the one that has been bouncing around in my brain for a couple months is…

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Why I Fight for Slow Living

Recently I’ve had a lot of friends tell me they don’t know how I do it. How do I not go crazy from all our moving and instability and not knowing where we are headed next? First of all, let’s be honest. I’m not perfect, and anxiety sometimes gets the best of me. It’s a lot to take on, this nomadic life we live. But for the most part, I…

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3 Things

As we head into the weekend, I wanted to share three things I’m loving right now. As someone who gives a weary side-eye to commercials and marketing tactics, I love to get the scoop on new things from people I trust. So please share something you’re loving in the comments, I want to get the scoop from you! ***** Live fashionABLE – I had never paid good money for a…

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Another Big Move

Five years ago we moved from Tucson to Gilbert, Arizona. Two weeks ago, we returned from a summer in Montana. One month from now, we will be making another big move. There are boxes everywhere. I have already made two huge hauls to the donation center, with more sure to come. As I stack books and wrap glass in paper, my heart pounds and my mind races. I find myself…

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