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How many colors can YOU fit onto one plate?

Happy National Nutrition Month! What, you’re not celebrating yet?  Well it’s time to get started!  This year’s theme is “Eat Right With Color.”  I love the color theme because it inspires all kinds of creativity in what you put on your plate. Think of your typical meals.  How many colors do they include?  Maybe 1 or 2?  Why not try to put 4 or 5 different colors on your plate?…

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Do we feed our children too much bland food?

photo by Sunil Photos We are in the middle of a move this week, so this will be a short post.  I wanted to get this conversation started though.  I talk to many parents who, while cooking for their family, choose not to add herbs & spices to their food until the children’s portion has been taken out. While I understand this theory for spicy items (cayenne, jalapeno, etc.), I…

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What are the kids eating?

You may have heard about a recent study linking processed diets to lower IQ in young children.  The researchers found that kids who ate diets high in fat, sugar and processed foods before the age of 3 had a slightly lower IQ at age 8½, while children who ate a more “health-conscious” diet showed a slight increase in IQ. Even before this new study came out, I had been wanting…

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What do YOU do when cravings strike?

photo by captcreate As I near the end of my first year of blogging, I realize just how much I’ve learned, and just how much this blog has evolved.  I always want to keep it true to who I am and what I want to inspire you with.  Along the way, I have realized that it’s not enough to share recipes and nutritional facts with you.  I need to be…

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Feeding Twins – Double Trouble or Twice the Fun?

This is a guest post by TwinToddlersDad about his experience in getting his twins to eat healthy. He writes a science-driven, real-life toddler nutrition blog at Feeding twins and raising them to be healthy eaters may seem like a herculean task. We often get that look and the “oh” when we share our dinner time struggles with other parents. Sure there are days when giving up seems to be…

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I have been hearing about chia seeds for a while now as they seem to be a hot topic on many health and food blogs (KathEats is always sprinkling them on something).  They sounded intriguing but I had never seen them available in a store until this week when I spotted them at Sunflower Market.  They were in one of the bulk bins and on sale for $3.99 a pound.…

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Resolutions Schmesolutions! Set Goals, Make Plans, Be Successful.

It’s that time of year again.  Christmas is over, a new year is coming, and everyone is talking about making resolutions.  I’m sure you will read many posts this week about how to make the right resolutions and how not to break them.  I’m here to tell you not to make any resolutions at all.  That’s right, no resolutions.  No, “I will eat healthier this year!”  No, “I’m going to…

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