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What do YOU do with all of the Halloween candy?

It’s almost Halloween which means CANDY!  And honestly the stressful part of the candy situation doesn’t even happen on Halloween Day.  What gets me is the Halloween candy lurking in the pantry, singing sweet siren songs luring me in for JUST ONE MORE BITE.  And weeks of the kids asking for candy ALL DAY LONG. But what can you do?  You can’t just throw it away, right? Um, actually you…

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5 Ways to Prevent Holiday Overindulgence

I ran to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few items. Little did I know that a special six-hour sale was going on complete with free samples on every aisle and employees handing out candy. Apparently they were trying to purge the store of Halloween items to make room for the Christmas displays. Christmas? We haven’t even had Halloween yet! And so it begins…the Holiday Season. The holidays…

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Waiter, There’s Politics in My Food!

Recently I brought up the difficult subject of pulling back the curtain on the food industry.  The painful process of removing our blissful ignorance and replacing it with hard truths.  Many of you responded with thanks and a desire to dig deeper.  Since my knowledge on the subject only goes so far, I have brought in an expert to get us started.  In his first monthly column with us, Andy…

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5 Crockpot Chili Recipes

I’m pretty sure everyone in Phoenix made chili for dinner last night. We had a refreshing cold front blow through and my Instagram feed filled up with friends sporting scarves and proclaiming anything under 70 degrees to be chili weather. I’ve been using my crockpot almost every day lately because it makes my life a million times easier, so I set off in search of some healthy crockpot chili recipes.…

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Perfectly Crispy Oven Fries

Last week I was really craving some good french fries.  In the past when I’ve tried to make them at home, my oven fries have either come out sad and floppy or burnt to a crisp.  I was determined this time to make a batch of fries that didn’t suck. The keys to success turned out to be high heat, enough (but not too much) oil, and the perfect cut.…

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4 Things I Want You To Know About Celiac Disease

Today is Celiac Disease Awareness Day, so I thought I would share a few thoughts.  For some reason my brain is working in fours today, so here you go. Four things I want you to know about Celiac Disease: 1.  Celiac Disease is not a fad.  It’s a sucky disease. 2.  Celiac Disease is an “invisible illness” which makes it hard for people to understand.  Hint: If you want to…

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Orange Grapefruit Vinaigrette and a Giveaway

When you embark on a 30-Day Whole Food Challenge, especially the low-FODMAP version, things can become a bit boring. No sugar. No wine. Just whole foods and lots and lots of water. Excuse me while I cry into my empty wine glass… When plain water starts to get a little blah, I love to pull out my Zing Anything bottles.  I either stick some citrus in my Citrus Zinger… …some berries…

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