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During my break, I’m trying to improve my photography skills.  This morning I practiced keeping a moving object in focus by photographing bees.  Boy are they fast!

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Marine Band San Diego

My parents took us out to a local high school today to watch Marine Band San Diego perform.  They played everything from “God Bless America” to Bruno Mars.  I took the opportunity to practice my photography (which has been a bit rusty).  Here are a few of my favorite shots.

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Blissdom Photo Walk

Before the swag and the squeals and the squeezes, before the speakers and the songs and the stages, before Blissdom officially began, we took a photo walk. The Gaylord Texan is more than huge, it’s like a ceilinged city. Here are a few shots I grabbed with my camera as we explored a tiny piece of it. My feet hurt.

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Insta Weekend

 {Beautiful CSA haul from Agritopia Farm} {Hello Mr. Horse} {Looking up} {Can’t. Stop. Sneezing.} {Thrift store treasures} {Goofballs eating ice cream} {Learning how to tie a scarf} {About to be dizzy}

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Photographer in training

Santa brought Leila the pink camera she had been hoping for. She’s been busy taking pictures of the dogs, her brother, her feet, the sky. And her dad, who is always up for posing. My little photographer in training.  

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