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Inspiring Photos for a Cold Winter Day

As most of you are bundled up in the cold right now (we are even in the 30s in Tucson today!), I thought it would be a good time to share some inspiring photos. All of these come from my Flickr group which I hope you will join. Please make sure to click on the orange links to visit the blogs of these fabulous people. Grab a cup of something…

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Flickr Feature

Avocados from umamigirl Brunch – Waffle sandwiches from Eating The Week thai coconut chicken! from ashbstarr Machiasport area. Mill Pond Stroll. With Yurts August 9, 2009 from Campobello Island All of these photos come from the Inspired RD group on Flickr. Aren’t they beautiful? Please join and share your inspiring photos. I hope to feature a new group each week! Click here to join and start adding photos

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Inspire us with your photos

If you have any photos that you think are inspiring, please share them!  You can post to our flickr page or to our facebook page.  Photos can be of anything, they don’t have to be food-related.  Inspire us with your photos! Above photo submitted by Ashley Barden

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Fresh Photographs

I recently took part in a photography show called the Tucson Grid Project 3 put on by Second Mile. Each year, those who want to be involved in the show choose a word from a list then take pictures in Tucson that represent that word. This year my word was “Fresh.” At first, I assumed that I would be taking lots of food photos from different farmers markets, but I…

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