Site intent:
Information presented on this site is intended as both a professional* representation of the nutrition and communications I provide to companies through my business as well as a personal representation of my views on food and nutrition through my blog.
Sponsorship policy:
Any sponsored posts are clearly marked as such. It is my policy to only accept compensation for businesses and brands I believe in and would already recommend. Any sponsored social media posts will be indicated with the hashtags #paid or #ad.
Advertising policy:
Advertising space on this site is intended to generate revenue. Advertisements do not influence the content contained within the pages of this site.
Brand/group affliations & relationships:
It should be noted that by the nature of my business, I do accept payment for freelance projects and ongoing consulting work from a variety of clients, including but not limited to food companies and food commodity organizations. I have mentioned those companies and brands in previous blog posts, but have never accepted payment specifically for those mentions.
I do not engage in business with companies whose products do not match my personal and professional beliefs. any previous mention of these products in my personal blog represents my belief that they support my professional and personal goals.
I have had in the past or currently do have a monetary relationship (i.e employment, contract, freelance work or advertisement/sponsorship revenue) or have attended trips/events hosted by the following clients/companies:
Attune Foods
California Raisins Marketing Board
KIND Snacks
Ecocentric Mom
Food for the Hungry
Van’s Natural Foods
Click here to view the detailed privacy policy of this website.
*The use of the term “professional” throughout this site represents informational services only. None of the information on this site or the services performed by Alysa Bajenaru (Inspired RD), should be considered as a medical diagnosis or treatment.