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Be Fit

Postpartum Exercise for Real Moms

The following is a guest post by contributor Wendy Powell of MuTu System. ***** What’s different about your life as a mom? Well, let’s see: Your body has changed – it’s emerged from pregnancy and childbirth with stretched bits, wobbly bits, weak bits, achy bits Your energy levels regularly dip – Whether your child is a newborn on a school kid, ‘tired’ is likely to be your default mode You…

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How Better Alignment Helps Fix Diastasis Recti

Raise your hand if your body is in perfect alignment.  …Yeah, me neither.  Wendy Powell of MuTu System is here to tell us why proper alignment is important and how to get there. If you’ve ever compared your body in pre-pregnancy pictures to post-baby shots of you looking rounder, softer and ‘still pregnant’, the thought may have crossed your mind that pregnancy wrecked your body. You’d kinda love to have…

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Getting stronger from the inside out

My son was a little over a year old, and we had just returned home from running errands. As I pulled him out of the car, his foot became caught in the carseat. My body twisted and his body pulled back. Suddenly, pain shot up my back and I cried out. I hobbled into the house and spent the next two weeks on the couch. Why did my back give…

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5 Ways to Prevent Holiday Overindulgence

I ran to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few items. Little did I know that a special six-hour sale was going on complete with free samples on every aisle and employees handing out candy. Apparently they were trying to purge the store of Halloween items to make room for the Christmas displays. Christmas? We haven’t even had Halloween yet! And so it begins…the Holiday Season. The holidays…

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Quick Posture Tip for Busy Moms

It’s Friday!  Which means two days of NO driving to school and picking up from school and dropping the other kid off at school then picking the other kid up at school then running errands then driving home. Phew!  Are you in the car all week too?  If so, here’s a quick tip to help you work on your posture as you’re driving the kids all around the gall darn…

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5 Stretches for Busy Bloggers (and anyone else who sits at a computer all day)

Hey there Busy Blogger, how does your body feel today? Tight? Sore? Stiff? Take a few minutes to run through this stretching routine, and I promise you’ll feel like a new person! From a kneeling position, bring left leg out front with foot flat on the ground. Push body forward through the hips, stretching that right hip flexor. Hold for 30 seconds, then bring right arm straight up, slightly twisting…

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This week’s workout plan and a diastasis update

Since declaring my intention to “just do something” a few weeks ago, I’ve been doing much better at fitting in exercise. Not perfect, but better. I’ve realized that a busy lifestyle plus having an autoimmune disease means I need to plan ahead but also leave wiggle room for unexpected events and unpredictable health. So here’s my plan for this week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – Go to the gym before school…

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