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Diastasis Recti Exercises That Work

Diastasis Recti Exercises that work

As moms, we can be hard on ourselves, can’t we? Just think of the last time you referred to yourself as not enough. Not skinny enough, not tough enough, not _____ enough. (Fill in the blank.) So when we decide to take our health in our hands, to lose the baby weight, to get strong, to fix a diastasis, the last thing we need is a trainer who makes us feel…

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Whole 30 and Homeschool

Today we start a new Whole 30 challenge which requires lots of planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and organizing. Oh, and we start homeschool too. We are nothing short of overachievers around here. (Send help.) I’ll be doing the modified low-FODMAP plan, and I guess that means Jeff will be too since I’m the one who does most of the cooking around here. While I don’t know if the Whole 30…

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