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5 Mom Posture Tips (for your tummy and pelvic floor)

I used to have horrible mom posture. My head entered the room before my body did. My butt was tucked under, and I was almost bent in half most of the time. Bad posture was literally a pain in the neck. And head, and back, and hips… Nothing I tried helped much. I just couldn’t figure out how to train my body to be tall and comfortable. Until Wendy.  I think…

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Quick Posture Tip for Busy Moms

It’s Friday!  Which means two days of NO driving to school and picking up from school and dropping the other kid off at school then picking the other kid up at school then running errands then driving home. Phew!  Are you in the car all week too?  If so, here’s a quick tip to help you work on your posture as you’re driving the kids all around the gall darn…

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