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What I’m Reading – February

To keep on track with my goal to read 50 books this year, I started a monthly posting series titled “What I’m Reading.” As I share what I’ve been keeping on my nightstand, I would love to hear what you’ve been digging into as well. Scroll down to the bottom and leave a comment. What have you been reading lately? Here are the books I read in February: 7. The Best Yes by…

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Keeping journals: 5 ways your kids can start now

This year, we started homeschooling our kids, mostly as a way of sticking together as a family. Because of my husband’s job as a professional baseball coach, we move a few times a year. As we began our homeschool journey, I decided pretty quickly that I didn’t want to have a million pieces of paper to organize or endless works of art that would end up in a shoebox (or…

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How to get the most out of your library card

Nerd alert! I’m about to tell you how to get the most out of your library card. I love the library. Loooooooove. And not just because I love to read (which I do). A library card opens up this whole world of new experiences. Books (obviously), movies, kids programming, community events, e-books, and more. Plus, I don’t even have to search for what I want. I can request it, and…

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What I’m Reading – January

One of my goals this year was to read at least 50 books. To keep me on track, I thought I would post once a month to share what I have read so far. I would love to hear about what you have been reading as well. Most of the books I grab from the library come from online recommendations. I’m always looking for new books to put on my…

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Exploring Missoula – Clark Fork Market and Shakespeare & Co.

Saturday we drove down to the Clark Fork Market in downtown Missoula. We got there at about 11:30 because, Hi we are summer people who like to sleep in. After getting stuck in a no parking zone in our bohemoth truck, we found a parking space across the river. As we crossed the bridge, we spotted a few dudes surfing the rapids. Once we made our way into the market…

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Weekend Inspiration

We are finally (slowly) on the mend around here. The light has come back into Joe’s eyes, and so far both kids are fever-free today (fingers crossed). With our quarantine in full effect I had more time than usual to read and waste time on the interwebs this week. Here are some things I found worth sharing. Inspiration: That’s why we’re all different! – Relentless Journey Cultivating (the friends in)…

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How to Live Intentionally in a Chaotic World (and a giveaway!)

Last night I couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, I just couldn’t seem to release the stress of the day. This morning I realized why – my work life and home life have no definable boundaries. Admittedly, yesterday was a catch-up day after being out of town, but it pointed out an underlying tension. As much as I am trying to simplify, as much as I am getting better at saying…

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