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whole 30

A few days in…a homeschool and Whole 30 update

We are a few days into homeschooling and the Whole 30. At first I thought we were crazy to start both at once, but I am appreciating the extra energy from the boost of whole foods. We are eating tons of vegetables, good protein, and healthy fats. I don’t think I could have made it this week without this healthy food! For breakfast, I’ve been eating one or two raisin…

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Whole 30 and Homeschool

Today we start a new Whole 30 challenge which requires lots of planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and organizing. Oh, and we start homeschool too. We are nothing short of overachievers around here. (Send help.) I’ll be doing the modified low-FODMAP plan, and I guess that means Jeff will be too since I’m the one who does most of the cooking around here. While I don’t know if the Whole 30…

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