Diastasis Recti Modifications for 21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Diastasis Recti Modifications


Did you know 1 in 3 moms has diastasis recti? This separation of the abdominal muscles can cause pain, weakness, and put you at a much higher risk of injury when exercising. If you are doing the 21 Day Fix, make sure to check to see if you have diastasis recti before you begin.

Click here to find out how to check yourself for diastasis recti.

If you do have it, the videos below from Carrie Harper will show you how to modify specific exercises in each 21 Day Fix workout to keep you safe and lower your risk for injury. (As with all fitness programs, check with your doctor first.)

Of course for all women who experience diastasis recti, I always recommend completing the MuTu System 12-week program to heal and strengthen core muscles so you are able to do whatever workouts you want to without modifications. You can find out more about this program and dig deeper into the topic of diastasis recti in the articles listed at the bottom of this page.

Here are the diastasis recti modification videos for 21 Day Fix:


Total Body Cardio:

Upper Fix:

Pilates (Part 1):

Pilates (Part 2):


Dirty 30:


10 Minute Abs:


You will notice there is not a Lower Fix modification video because all of those exercises are safe with diastasis recti. You will also notice that Carrie mentions in her videos that these modifications are only to be used until you are fully healed. To be fully healed, you MUST take an active approach by following an diastasis exercise program.

If you want more information about diastasis recti and the MuTu System, check out the links below. Inspired RD readers always get 15% any MuTu program with the code “Inspired15”

A proven system designed to fix Diastasis Recti with Exercise


Diastasis Recti Posts:

Made for Moms: Home Workouts

How Better Alignment Helps Fix Diastasis Recti

Eat well to heal your diastasis recti – How good nutrition can help your body to close “The Gap”

5 Exercises to Heal Diastasis

2 Diastasis Recti Fixes that WON’T Work – And What Will

Diastasis Recti Check List

A Diastasis Expert Answers All of Your Questions

