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Fix Diastasis Recti – 5 Things you can do RIGHT NOW

How can I safely fix diastasis recti with exercise? Can I really close my gap without surgery? What if it’s been years since I had a baby? These are just some of the questions I get on a regular basis from readers about diastasis recti. Wendy Powell from MuTu System, always generous with her time and resources, has answered hundreds of comments from y’all, and is also a frequent contributor…

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How do you become comfortable in your own skin?

Earlier this year I had surgery to help with some of my pain issues. And while I felt better for a few months (after suffering through recovery), much of the pain I was struggling with before has returned. And I’m realizing that my wiring, the way I approach fitness and body image, absolutely has to change. The reality of my situation is that I live with celiac disease, endometriosis, and…

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5 Mom Posture Tips (for your tummy and pelvic floor)

I used to have horrible mom posture. My head entered the room before my body did. My butt was tucked under, and I was almost bent in half most of the time. Bad posture was literally a pain in the neck. And head, and back, and hips… Nothing I tried helped much. I just couldn’t figure out how to train my body to be tall and comfortable. Until Wendy.  I think…

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Diastasis Recti Exercises That Work

Diastasis Recti Exercises that work

As moms, we can be hard on ourselves, can’t we? Just think of the last time you referred to yourself as not enough. Not skinny enough, not tough enough, not _____ enough. (Fill in the blank.) So when we decide to take our health in our hands, to lose the baby weight, to get strong, to fix a diastasis, the last thing we need is a trainer who makes us feel…

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Why I Run

The purpose of running has changed for me many times over my lifetime.  As a child, running was simply a way to get somewhere faster.  I see this in my children now.  Why walk when you can run? As I became involved in sports, running was part of the game.  I never had to think about it, I just had to show up for soccer practice or a basketball game…

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A reason to keep moving

Exercise used to be something that just happened for me. A side-effect of joining various sports teams and growing more competitive at each level. I didn’t have to think about going to the gym, I was just part of the team. And as a team, we practiced. We pushed each other. We worked our butts off to get better. It just so happens a strong and healthy body was part…

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How to do pelvic floor exercises

The following is a special post just for women from contributor Wendy Powell of MuTu System. Boys, avert your eyes until next time… Doing pelvic floor exercises is one of those things we‘re just supposed to know how to do. Midwives, health professionals, doctors and fitness instructors ask “You are doing your pelvic floor exercise aren’t you?” and we’ll nod emphatically, whilst clenching our undercarriage like crazy to make up for…

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