Daily Archives

March 1, 2010

Narrow Push-Ups

From a hands and knees position, engage your abdomen and move your shoulder blades down and back. Get into a push up position, but place your hands close together. Lower down into a push up, keeping body straight and core tight. Push back up and repeat.

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Plie Jump

From a standing position, position your legs wider than hip-width apart with toes pointed out. Engage abdominal muscles as you lower into a plie position and hold. Drive up through your heels, jumping into the air, then land softly onto the balls of your feet and repeat.

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Bicycle Crunches

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the ground and hands behind your head. Engage your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your feet off the ground until your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Contract your abs as you raise your head and shoulders off the ground. Bring your left elbow toward your right knee while at the same time extending your left leg. Squeeze. Slowly bring…

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Single Leg Hop with Stabilization

From a standing position, raise left foot slightly off the ground and balance on your right foot. Pull your bellybutton tight to your spine and take a small hop forward. Stabilize your body, then take another small hop. Repeat for 15 repetitions then switch to the right foot.

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Foam Roller: Calves

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you.  Place the foam roller under your right calf.  Cross your left leg over your right ankle.  Use your hands behind you for support and raise your body off the ground. Roll forward and back on your calf muscle.  Repeat on opposite leg.

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Standing Calf Stretch

Stand facing a wall with right foot close to the wall and left leg staggered behind you.  Place hands on the wall and push back into your left leg, feeling the stretch in your calf muscle.  Hold for 30-60 seconds without bouncing, keeping left leg straight.  Repeat on opposite leg.

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Lie facedown on a mat with legs extended straight and arms overhead.  Keeping limbs straight and neck neutral, tighten your core muscles and slowly lift your arms and legs off the ground.  Hold for 2 seconds then slowly release back to the floor.  Repeat.  (Tips: don’t hold your breath and don’t lift your legs so high that you strain your back)

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