Daily Archives

March 1, 2010

Reverse Lunge

Standing with feet hip-width apart, step backwards into a lunge position with your right leg.  Make sure legs are in a 90 degree angle and your forward knee isn’t going past your toes.  Push off the right leg back into starting position and switch legs.

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Jump Squats

From a standing position with feet hip-width apart.  Engage core muscles and lower into a squat.  Touch the outside of your shoes with your fingers and jump up, driving off the balls of your feet, reaching into the air with your arms.  Land softly on the balls of your feet and repeat without pausing. (Alternate exercise: squats)

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Reverse Crunches

Lie on your back with knees bent, and extend arms down your sides with fingers pointing toward your toes.  Gently exhale and stabilize your core muscles.  Cross your legs at the ankles and slowly bring your legs back and up “crunching” your abdominal muscles.  Inhale and slowly lower legs to starting position.  Repeat. Before performing any abdominal exercises, make sure to check your abdominal muscles for separation – How to check…

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Single Leg Balance with Leg Extension

Stand on your right foot with your left food an inch or so off the ground.  With hands on hips and bellybutton tight, extend your leg to the rear, back to the middle, to the left, back to the middle and to the front.  Return to starting position and repeat.  Do 15 repetitions and then switch to the opposite leg.  Focus on challenging yourself to keep your balance throughout the…

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Piriformis Stretch

Lying on your back, cross right ankle over left knee.  Grab your left leg behind the knee and bring towards you, lifting leg off the ground.  Hold for 30-60 seconds and repeat with other leg.

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Side Lying Abduction and Adduction

Abduction: Lie on your side with legs straight out and feet stacked.  Make sure your body is properly aligned and engage your core muscles.  Raise the upper leg as high as you can while maintaining posture.  Hips and knees should be pointed forward at all times.  Lower back to starting position and repeat.  Do all reps on one side before switching to other leg. Adduction: Lie on your side with…

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