Monthly Archives

March 2011

300 Club Lunge of the Week – Side Lunges

Howdy lungers!  How are those legs feeling?  Getting stronger?  I hope you are enjoying this challenge as much as I am.  New people are joining the challenge every day.  Make sure to keep spreading the word!  If you are new this week, watch the video from the first post on proper lunging technique. This week’s lunge is a little more advanced.  The side lunge is one of my favorites because…

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My new favorite party food

This is just a quick post to encourage you to bring this garbanzo bean and olive tapenade to your next get-together with friends.  They will love it!  Many tapenades are strong and a little too olive-y for my taste, but this one is light and fresh.  Pairing it with the endive leaves gives you a cool crunch with each bite.  I love this tapenade so much that I made it…

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How many colors can YOU fit onto one plate?

Happy National Nutrition Month! What, you’re not celebrating yet?  Well it’s time to get started!  This year’s theme is “Eat Right With Color.”  I love the color theme because it inspires all kinds of creativity in what you put on your plate. Think of your typical meals.  How many colors do they include?  Maybe 1 or 2?  Why not try to put 4 or 5 different colors on your plate?…

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