As a mom, I often worry about whether or not my kids are eating enough vegetables or drinking enough water. I want them to be healthy, and I want to do my best to raise non-picky eaters. I’ve written about this subject many times with hints and tips on how to get your kids more interested in healthy foods. I encourage my kids to drink water throughout the day, and they rarely get juice or any other sugary beverages. I do my best, and I’m sure you do too.
Not long ago, something hit me. As I worry about whether my kids are eating the right foods, there is a mom somewhere that is worrying about whether her kids will get any food. As I nag my kids to drink more water, there is a mom somewhere who is having to give her kids dirty water to drink because there is nothing else.
When I stop and think about what that mom has to go through each day, the worries, the heartbreak, I can’t help but cry. I can’t imagine being in that situation. I can’t imagine having to tell my kids, “Sorry but there is no food today.” I can’t imagine handing my daughter a cup of brown water and telling her to drink it.
But what can I, half a world away, do about any of it?
Around the time that all of this was really starting to stir in me, I was connected to an organization called Food for the Hungry. I learned that not only does this organization actually feed the hungry, but they also transform communities. What I really like about Food for the Hungry is that they basically adopt a community, and seek to build it up and make it self-sustainable within 8-10 years. They don’t just hand them a proverbial fish and walk away, they teach them how to fish.
Through Food for the Hungry, entire villages are being changed. Kids are getting nutritious food, clean water, and even an education. Communities are becoming self-sustainable.
We try to talk with Joe and Leila on a regular basis about the fact that there are kids in this world who don’t have food, or clothes or toys. We teach them that we have a responsibility to be a voice for the voiceless, and that we should give with open hands. Their reaction never fails to inspire us. As we talked about hungry kids in Africa last week, they went into their room, poured out their piggy banks, and handed over fistfuls of change. We explained that they didn’t have to give all of their money, they could give what they want. Joe said, “I know” as he handed over more coins. Oh, to have a heart like his.
In June, our family decided to sponsor a child. We sat down in front of the computer and looked through the faces. Joe was insistent on choosing Reymart because he does not get to live with his mom and dad…and because he likes to play soccer.
Instantly, Joe was asking me if he could send Reymart some trains or maybe a baseball. I explained that we couldn’t mail him toys, but that we could send him letters and pictures, and that the money we send in to Food for the Hungry each month would help to feed Reymart and others in his community.
Our family is taking small steps that I pray will eventually turn into huge leaps as we strive to live out our faith in Jesus by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly (Micah 6:8). I look forward to sharing our journey with you, and I hope you will join us by considering child sponsorship.
For $32/month, you can change the life of not just one child, but an entire community. To learn more, please click here.
And because I know it takes tremendous sacrifice to give, I want to encourage you by sweetening the deal. Each month, I will personally throw in some extras for every child who is sponsored through my link.
Through January, for every child who is sponsored, I will donate 2 chickens. Chickens are easy to care for and they produce a steady supply of eggs. The chicks grow up to produce more eggs, creating a dependable source of nutrition and income.
To see community tranformation in action, check out this video about a village that has found new life through Food for the Hungry –
Makhai Child Sponsorship – New Life Kitsap (Food for the Hungry) from Food for the Hungry on Vimeo.
To see the children who need a sponsor, click on the photo below.

Thank you so much for reading and letting me share my heart. If you feel moved to share this post with others, I would be honored if you would help me get the word out.
sounds like an awesome organization and so awesome how involved your kids are!
Thank you Lindsay, I feel like the kids inspire us to become even more involved in helping others.
I think our family needs to be involved in this. What a great organization. We send money to Food for the Poor but have discovered they send us so much mailed collateral material throughout the year, it almost negates the value of what we seem to be doing. Thanks for educating me about this organization.
Thanks Kristen, I love Food for the Hungry because I really believe they are doing things in the best way. Their main office is here in Phoenix, and my husband and I have been there and met the people. I am continually impressed by what they are doing, and am excited to be able to get the word out!
I came across your blog last week, and I’ve been reading and following you on twitter now. I love the information you give, but when I found this today I am definitely stirred to action. Thanks for putting this info out there and helping me stumble into an amazing way to give where it really counts. 🙂
[…] that I cannot change the whole world. But I can change the world for one person. Our family can sponsor one child. I can bring one hot meal to a hurting family. I can teach one mom how to live a healthier […]
[…] February that has already paid for one month of sponsorship for Chereka and Reymart…and a huge head start for next […]