Leila and I were driving down the highway yesterday and all of a sudden she started listing off all the things she’s thankful for. At the end of it, she was so happy it was if she might burst. It was a quick reminder that giving thanks always leads to joy.
In that spirit, here are a few things I’m thankful for lately.
Sweet girl helping me feel better when I was sick.
Roasted strawberry, brie and chocolate grilled cheeeeeeeeeeeese.
Updates on Reymart, and a new picture (he’s getting so tall!).
Discovering a new thrift store that supports people with developmental disabilities.
My tough girl who cried zero tears through two shots.
Splatter painting in the backyard.
Magnificent Arizona sunsets.
C’mon, get happy! What are you thankful for lately?
I am so thankful for a job amongst so much unemployment! And for being able to carry Avie along in this pregnancy thus far!
I am so thankful for that too, and I am SO EXCITED about baby Avie!!!
Thankful for your website, family, friends, a nice home, a wonderful fiance, great job and bills paid. I could go on and on. I AM living the dream!! Pray for those that are struggling today!
Thanks for reminding me how blessed I am!! Hope your day is blessed overflowing.