6 Things Saving My Life Right Now

For our family, summer means baseball games, exploring new cities, and living in a tiny apartment. My husband is a professional baseball coach, and from April to August, the kids and I leave our home in Texas to spend the summer wherever he’s coaching that year. This is our third summer in Visalia, California, the “gateway to the Sequoias.”

Visalia can get hot and dusty, but we love being able to escape to the mountains in under an hour, or to the beach in two. As a hub for agriculture, we can always find fresh strawberries, local honey, and the very best garlic.

So far the weather has been gorgeous, but heat is inevitably settling in, so we will be spending most of our time in the pool or in the air-conditioned library (our favorite spot). When the days get long, and the apartment feels even smaller than before, there are a few things that I turn to.

This is what’s saving my life right now…(click on this link or the photo below to continue reading on The Art of Simple)