We stayed home for Christmas this year. No traveling meant no nasty sick bugs, and for the first time in a long time we had a peaceful and healthy Christmas. With Spring Training on the horizon, we are soaking up our final month of rest with lots of family time, extra sleep and home-cooked meals. Things are about to get crazy in our world, but for now I am giving thanks for small gifts…
For a daughter who wrote a poem for me all by herself,
for the way Hobbs bounced back from a stroke and is his happy self again,
for fresh food and fresh starts,
for celebrating 14 years of marriage with awkward selfies and the best fried chicken we’ve ever tasted,
for taking time to watch a beautiful sunset from the parking garage where we couldn’t find our car,
for bubbles and fancy new iPhone lenses,
for the strength and energy to exercise.
What are you thankful for lately?