Last year I did 5000 lunges to raise money for a good cause. Last week, I finished up the last of 4000 lunges from our 300 Club Lunge Challenge. Through both challenges, there was one big difference. The level of soreness and pain that I felt this time around was remarkably less than last year. As much as I enjoyed those first 5000 lunges, many nights my body screamed in…
This is it! The final week of our 300 Club Challenge! I saved the best for last. That’s right, jumping lunges. Who’s excited? If you have been with us from the beginning, you have done almost 4,000 lunges. Can you believe it? How are those legs feeling? I would love to hear how this challenge has affected you. Do you notice stronger legs? Did the lunges help with your running?…
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I can’t wait to share my special morning with you tomorrow. For now, let’s focus on the lunge of the week! This week we are challenging our balance yet again with a diagonal lunge. Make sure to watch the video below to learn proper form. Only 2 weeks to go until the end of our challenge! I want to give a huge…
Credit As I drove to the gym today, I just wasn’t feeling it. Usually I am excited, ready to get my sweat on, be kid-free for a couple hours. Today I was tempted to just skip the workout and hang in the cafe instead, but I knew I would regret it later. I went up to the cardio room and did a quick warm-up on the elliptical. Then I headed…
Happy May Day! We are heading into the home stretch of our challenge. If you have been with us from the beginning, you have completed 3000 lunges and have 900 to go. If that’s you, please let me know in the comment section. I would love to give you a virtual pat on the back!! I hope everyone enjoyed last week’s “back to basics” lunges. I added some weights to…
This week is all about getting back to basics. Let’s rest our knees a bit from the dynamic movements we have been working on and go back to the basic lunge. If you are new to the 300 Club, this is a perfect place to start. If you have been with us from the beginning, you can increase the challenge of this simple lunge by adding weights or slowing down…
{Credit} Last Wednesday, I headed to the gym and was pumped for a great workout. As I was getting ready to head up to the main workout area, I realized I had forgotten my headphones. Darn it! I had an iPod but no headphones. I really love to exercise to fun music. A good song seems to get me in a better frame of mind, and will actually get me…