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We can be better writers. Jeff Goins said so.

I want to be a better writer.   There.  I said it. Not a better blogger, a better writer. So I introduced myself to Jeff Goins, and I went to his breakout session at Blissdom.  Jeff is an incredibly talented writer, and I wanted to be able to tap into a tiny sliver of whatever it is that makes him amazing. Because I’m not a great writer, I tell myself…

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Top 9 Quotes from Blissdom

Sitting here thumbing through my notes from Blissdom, I can’t help feeling a little inspired and a lot challenged.  I’ll be sharing some of what I learned later in the week, but as a sneak peek I decided to pull out nine of my favorite quotes from the weekend.  Here they are: 1. You can’t be all things to all people. (Lisa Leonard) 2. If you can’t get up half…

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Off to Blissdom!

Today I’m hopping on a plane to Dallas to attend my first blogging conference.  I’m excited to meet new friends, connect with people in real life, and catch up with my fellow California Raisins bloggers. Can you tell which one is me? I’ve been packing for a week now because every time I ask someone to tell me what exactly one wears to a blogging conference, they say “Just be…

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Insta Weekend

 {Beautiful CSA haul from Agritopia Farm} {Hello Mr. Horse} {Looking up} {Can’t. Stop. Sneezing.} {Thrift store treasures} {Goofballs eating ice cream} {Learning how to tie a scarf} {About to be dizzy}

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Bottles, Letters, Feeds and a Mullet

A few things for your Friday: #1. I have some sweet friends who are raising money to travel to Malawi this summer.  The same place where Joe and Leila sent their coffee stand money.  I’ve been helping by selling a few limited edition Africa hoops, and there is only one left!  Snag it if you want it.  I can also add an embroidered heart over a specific country if you…

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The Virtue of Saying “No”

Jack of all trades, master of none. Expert multitasker. Input fiend. “Need more input” Sometimes my “strengths” become weaknesses.  Sometimes I say yes to too many good things instead of prayerfully considering the right things. The same traits that give me success also bring me defeat if I’m not careful. Passion and zeal without proper organization leads to paralyzation. And then I’m stuck. So I wake up early, I organize,…

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A Meetup of Influential Women

One of my favorite parts of diving into the social media world over the past few years has been the connections and relationships I’ve made. The world seems to be shrinking each day as I connect with leaders, thinkers, writers and dreamers. There is inspiration around every corner, and I find myself bubbling over with excitement about all of it. Since I started blogging 3 years ago, my online life…

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