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Thankfulness Lately

Thankful Thursdays Week: 29 – Taking a few days off

Whenever I’m asked to describe my job, I end up telling the person who asked just how thankful I am that I set my own hours, share my passions, and get to stay home with my kids while I do it. I am so grateful for this job. But every so often, I realize that I haven’t taken a day off in a while.  In a long while. This weekend…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 28 – What do we do now?

No one said it would be this hard.  The re-entry.  Attempting to reconcile what I’ve seen with how I live.  Sure, missionaries who’ve spent months or years in a faraway land deal with this stuff, but the 7-day crew?  Ours was a whirlwind trip.  We barely had a chance to let it all sink in before we were back in our beds. So what do we do now?  Practice more…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 27 – A List

As I started to think about what I wanted to write about this Thursday, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of things I had to choose from.  So many things to be thankful for that I couldn’t narrow them down to just one.  Instead, I’m going to make another list.  In no particular order, I am thankful for these things: 1. T-minus 4 days until Ethiopia. 2. The fact…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 26 – Living with Moxie

Today I want to tell you about a friend I am especially thankful for.  Angel and I met right after Jeff and I moved to Tucson in 2005. She was one of my first Arizona friends and quickly became one of my best friends.  There are so many things I love about her that it’s hard to organize my thoughts for this post. Angel is passionate, fiery, bold and intentional.…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 24 – Donating more than leftovers

Each month, on the third weekend, our church fills a trailer with non-perishable food items for our local food pantry.  Open Arms Care Center is the only food bank in Gilbert, and serves people who might not have ever dreamed that they would need food assistance one day. As much as I love this outreach program, I’ll admit that I usually forget that it’s the third weekend until we pull…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 23 – Learning to live in faith, not fear

I was telling my mother-in-law yesterday about the exhilarating feeling I had when I climbed the eagle perch and took the leap of faith at a ropes course a few years ago. I explained how my normal self would have hesitated, thought it through, and waited before tentatively jumping. I explained how on that day, I had made the decision to just go for it, climb without fear, take the…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 21

I’m going to keep this short today because I’m getting ready to head out the door to do the thing I’m so thankful for – run. I’ve had many setbacks in recent months when it comes to my health both with my hip and back injury, and with my continued progress in healing with celiac disease. {Image credit} But as I am tempted to get frustrated with the hard days,…

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