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Sometimes it’s ok to break the rules

“Mom can we start today with painting?” I hesitated. After lecturing him last week on how homeschooling means there is no set schedule. On how he needs to be flexible in his expectations. That “school” is never really over. I almost said no. To the kid who does what is expected. Most of the time without complaining. The kid who will happily do his math, english, and copy work when I…

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Tiny glimpses of Heaven

Sometimes I’ll be going about my day, just my normal everyday activities of teaching, writing, cleaning, cooking, when all at once my breath catches and I see Heaven shining down on my kitchen. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening, but all of a sudden it’s like someone flushed out my eyeballs because I can so clearly see a moment I want to remember. Last night it was Leila twirling in her favorite…

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A Day in the Life

I joined Laura from Hollywood Housewife yesterday to capture a day in the life of our family on Instagram. I’ve never done anything like this before, and while my Instagram followers may have been sick of my hyped up feed by the end of the day, I anticipate looking back on this collection of photos with a smile on my face many years from now. Our family doesn’t really have…

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Thankfulness Lately

Since moving back from Montana, it has been easy to grumble about the heat, the lack of fall color, the heat, the scorpions, and the heat. When I find myself grumbling a bit too much, I pause, collect my thoughts, and give thanks for all the good stuff. Gratitude softens my heart as we sit in our air-conditioned house and paint fall colors for the windows. Gratitude changes everything. I’m…

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How free can our kids be?

Our family just spent three months in Montana. Three glorious months when our kids could run and play outside all day long. We lived at the top of a hill overlooking a small town. This was our view from the front yard. Aside from being breathtaking, it was the perfect place for Joe and Leila to play outside without me checking on them every two seconds. There weren’t any cars because…

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Just because I’m good at it, doesn’t mean it’s easy

When friends describe me, the term “laid back” is often used. I’m pretty easygoing. Not much of a planner. I like to go with the flow. According to StrengthsFinder, one of my top five strengths is adaptability. As a baseball wife, this comes in handy. Jeff’s job is year-to-year. We don’t have a permanent residence. Since getting married twelve years ago, we’ve moved too many times to count. We love…

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Better Than the Last

One of the best pieces of parenting advice I’ve ever received came from the friend who I turn to often for wisdom and guidance. The friend who cuts through the craziness of mom guilt and bad advice and gets right to the core of what is important. When my babies were babies, and I started to lament that they wouldn’t be babies forever, my friend Angel told me not to…

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