Monthly Archives

March 2012

Recipe for Brussels Sprouts Chips

I love brussels sprouts.  Seriously.  I’ve been talking about the goodness of roasted brussels sprouts since I learned about them from Ina Garten ten years ago.  Watching her roast vegetables with olive oil and salt changed my world.  I’ve never met a roasted vegetable I didn’t like. A year ago, I asked you what your most hated vegetable was.  Many of you said brussels sprouts.  I challenged you to try…

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Water – Are you getting enough? Plus a giveaway!

Here’s a question: How much water do you drink each day? Many of us are not getting enough.  Proper hydration is important for everyone, whether you are athletic or not.  As we look forward to the summer months, staying hydrated becomes even more critical.  Even mild dehydration can drain your energy levels and make you more susceptible to heat stroke. Personal hydration needs vary based on sex, climate, age and…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 9

water faucet

I was standing in a selfishly long hot shower last night when it hit me just how much I take clean water for granted.  I thought back to how many times during the day that I used water from some sort of tap. -Wake up, take a drink of water -Brush my teeth -Wash my face -Pour a cup of coffee (made with clean water) -Wash my hands -Clean the…

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